Cyprus Registration Certificate Yellow Slip

The Registration certificate, commonly known as ‘Cyprus Yellow Slip’, as it is printed on yellow paper, is available to European (EU and EEA) citizens who wish to stay and work or remain as visitors in the Republic of Cyprus.

The application for the issue of the certificate is submitted within four months from the date of entry into the Republic.


The Application type and forms are different for European Union citizens and their family members who are not European.

  • Application form MEU1

Citizens of EU and their family members who are also citizens of the EU apply with the MEU1 form.

Processing time: Issued within a maximum of 10 days.

  • Application form MEU2

Family members who are not EU citizens apply with the MEU2 form.

Processing time: Issued within 3-5 months and is mailed to the applicant’s address. However, once applied, the applicant is allowed to stay, and re-enter Cyprus with the application receipt.

Yellow Slip Validity

The Registration certificate for European Union citizens does not expire. The certificate for non-EU family members has a validity of 5 years, on expiry the applicant can apply for renewal.


Benefits of Yellow Slip in Cyprus include full rights of stay and re-entry, work, engage in business activities and generally entitles the holder to the same rights as Cypriot citizens.

Required documents

  1. Application forms MEU1 & MEU2 duly completed;
  2. Copy of valid passport;
  3. Marriage Certificate duly certified and translated *(If applicable);
  4. Children Birth Certificates duly certified and translated *(If applicable);
  5. Rental agreement or sale agreement of a house/apartment. The rental agreement needs to be for the one-year minimum (rental agreement and a copy of it certified by Muhtar or certifying officer & stamped at tax office);
  6. Bank statements of a bank account in Cyprus or bank statements from abroad (if applicable);
  7. If working abroad to bring confirmation letter from employer and payslip.
  8. If they are working in Cyprus:
    1. Confirmation letter from employer
    2. Social Insurance Registration and annual income certificate
    3. Employer to sign the application form
  9. Health insurance (not needed if working in Cyprus);
  10. It can be international health insurance if the applicant already has one or it can be made in Cyprus. The average cost is €175 for each person it can be made in 1 day.
  11. Two small passport photos.

The documents with (*) require to be translated in English or Greek and be «APOSTILLE» OR be certified by the Ministry of foreign affairs of the country that will issue them and also by the Cyprus Embassy of that Country.

Cyprus government fees

Application for the first time or renewal: €20 for each family member.

How to renew Yellow Slip in Cyprus

For non-EU family members, you need to provide all the documents and certificates as provided for the first registration.

There is no need to renew a yellow slip for EU citizens, as it does not expire.

Our Services:
Our Company will undertake the entire procedure for your application to make sure it runs smoothly. We will book the date for the meeting for submission, prepare application forms, advice on required documents, attend the meeting with you, follow the application process, receive the yellow cards and deliver them to you.

Contact us to receive a free personal consultation and learn about our competitive fee services.